Module: SLSP1201 Making Sense of SocietyAcademic year 2023 to 2024
Weeks: S8-S7 (14 Aug 2023 to 11 Aug 2024)
8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00
SLSP120101/TUT 1/01 Trace,Georgina
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (10.06) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/TUT 1/02 Trace,Georgina
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (10.05) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/TUT 1/03 Trace,Georgina
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (12.38) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/TUT 1/04 Woodend,Leo
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (10.10) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/TUT 1/05 Woodend,Leo
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (10.10) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/TUT 1/06 Shaw,Nicholas
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (10.10) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/TUT 1/07 Kordecka,Dorota
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (10.10) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/TUT 1/08 Kordecka,Dorota
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (12.21) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/TUT 1/09 Kordecka,Dorota
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (12.21) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/TUT 1/10 Woodend,Leo
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (12.21) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/TUT 1/11 Woodend,Leo
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (12.21) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/TUT 1/12 Shaw,Nicholas
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (12.25) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/TUT 1/13 Shaw,Nicholas
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (12.25) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/LEC 1/01 <31> Wright,Katy,Dr
Conference Auditorium 1 (GM.03) 20
SLSP120101/TUT 1/14 Kordecka,Dorota
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (12.25) 15-21, 22-24
SLSP120101/LEC 1/01 <28-30> Davis,Mark,Dr
Conference Auditorium 1 (GM.03) 17-19
SLSP120101/LEC 1/01 <25-27, 39> Hirst,Ben
Conference Auditorium 1 (GM.03) 14-16, 24
SLSP120101/LEC 1/01 <32, 37-38> Bagguley,Paul,Dr
Conference Auditorium 1 (GM.03) 21, 22-23
SLSP120101/TUT 1/15 Shaw,Nicholas
Alternative times Weeks:
Social Sciences SR (12.25) 15-21, 22-24